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How to Make Sugar Cookies image

Bake and decorate these festive cookies with confidence. Alison Roman shows you the basics.

Provided by Alison Roman

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  • For the best cookies, getting the proper thickness is key. Too thin, and the cookies will turn into crackers. Too thick, and they'll be doughy. Here are tips to help you roll the dough to just the right depth, and to cut cookies that will give you a world of decorating options.• First, make some space. Rolling out dough takes up a bit of space, so clear off those countertops before you begin. • Use parchment paper for rolling for best results (though a well-floured work surface will also work). To roll out the dough, you'll want to lightly dust a large piece of parchment paper with flour. Roll out the dough until it starts to stick a bit to the parchment, then lightly dust the top of the dough with a bit more flour and cover it with another piece of parchment. Flip the whole thing over, peeling off the bottom piece (and saving it so you can repeat this process). • Keep an eye on the thickness of the dough. You want it to be about the thickness of a graham cracker, or, if you have a ruler handy, no thinner than an eighth of an inch. Don't worry about making it a perfect circle or rectangle. • Cold is best. Regardless of the shape you're cutting out, or the method you're using (by hand, with a cutter, glass jar), you'll want the dough to be chilled. If it gets too warm and flimsy, it'll be challenging to cut out clean shapes and move. Put the dough back into the fridge to firm up if it starts to soften. • A cute cutter does not always make a cute cookie. No matter how appealing the wide range of cutters may be, there are some that don't actually make great cookies. In particular, avoid shapes with small, delicate features. Those smaller parts of dough are doomed to tragedy: getting stuck in the cutters, burning before the rest of the cookie is baked through, or just breaking off. And they're challenging to decorate. • Broad cookies make better canvases. Shapes with a lot of surface area (circles, triangles, diamonds, stars) yield the greatest success. They bake more evenly and offer multiple decorating options.• No cookie cutters? A wide-mouth glass jar or cup will do the trick. Or use a knife to cut diamonds (as seen above), squares or rectangles. • Cut as many cookies as you can. When it's time to cut, dip the cutters in flour to prevent sticking, and cut the shapes as close to one another as possible to maximize your dough. • But don't go too far. Gather any scraps and reroll the dough, but no more than twice. After that, the dough will become overworked and tough.
  • The pristine white finish of royal icing is particularly elegant, and striking in its simplicity. But everything is a little more fun in color. Tint it with food coloring, use it like glue for sprinkles and dragées, or paint it directly onto hardened icing.For colored icing, make a batch of white royal icing, and divide it into smaller bowls. (One batch can yield up to three different colors.) Using a spoon or fork, mix in food coloring until you reach your desired shade. Cover with plastic wrap, with the cling film pressed directly on the surface, until you're ready to use it. For deep hues, you'll need more food coloring than you think. Depending on the intensity, it's possible to use half a bottle. Keep in mind that traditional food coloring contains a lot of liquid, so adding enough for that vibrant red can alter the viscosity of the icing. To preserve the consistency, add little to no water when making the icing, using the food coloring as the thinning liquid. Gel food coloring can be a game changer here. (Betty Crocker makes some, but they are also widely available on and at professional baking stores.) The color is more concentrated, and it contains virtually no liquid. So a little will go a long way, and adding a lot won't affect the viscosity. To apply icing, you can use any large reusable or disposable pastry bag (at least 10 inches long), with a small metal tip for precision. A tip with a round 1/16-inch opening is best for more detailed designs, but for most purposes, one with a standard 1/8 inch opening will serve you well. If you're a once-a-year baker, a resealable plastic bag with a small (1/16-inch) hole cut out of the corner will do the trick. To ensure all the icing gets in (and not on) the bag, insert the bag, tip facing down, into a tall glass, and fold the top down over the glass. Alternatively, hold the bag with your less-dominant hand, and fold the top over your fingers. Spoon the icing into the bag, filling it about halfway. Be careful not to overfill the pastry bag, or the icing will spill out of the top. Pull up the top of the bag, and twist it where the icing meets the bag to close it off.
  • Here are the techniques that elevate a simple sugar cookie to the spectacular. Piping and flooding can take a little practice, so take your time and consider making double batch of icing. And remember: extra sprinkles and dragées conceal all flaws.You can use the icing bag like a pen to draw lines, swirls or any other designs that are as simple or complex as you like. To pipe, hold the tip of the bag 1/4 inch above the cookie and about 1/8-inch away from the edge. The icing should be runny enough that you should not need to apply too much pressure, but it may be useful to practice on a plate or piece of parchment paper beforehand. If there are air bubbles in the pastry bag, a few gaps in the line could appear when you are piping. You can always quickly fill them in - just make sure to do so before the icing sets. To create a smooth, evenly frosted appearance, you'll want to "flood," or fill, the surface of the cookie with icing. While a pristine white coating can be striking in its simplicity, fresh icing can serve as a glue for sprinkles, edible glitter or colorful sugars. Alternatively, it can be left to dry until hardened and used as a canvas for painting. To begin flooding, trace the outline of the cookie you're decorating. This will serve as a sort of barrier: Think of this as a line you're going to color inside of. With the pastry bag, start on the outside and work inward, filling in the space as you go. The icing should spread a bit to fill in any gaps. If you spill a little over the side of the cookie, use a paper towel to clean the edges before the icing sets, which can happen rather quickly. For a more rustic (and kid-friendly) appearance, you can always forego the pastry bag and spoon icing directly onto the cookie. Dollop some in the center, and using the back of spoon, spread the icing out to the edges, almost as if you're saucing a small pizza.For a more modern, slightly neater approach to colorful decorations, try painting directly onto the surface of an iced cookie. No fancy skills required: If you've ever painted anything, you can paint a cookie. Pick up some edible glitter or luster dust from a professional baking store. Mix a small amount of the glitter or luster dust with a neutral spirit like vodka until it reaches the consistency of watercolor paint. Dip a small paintbrush into the mixture and paint directly onto a flooded cookie using swift, one-stroke motions. Start with something simple like stripes or dots, then graduate to more complex designs.
  • If piping an intricate design falls outside your wheelhouse, there are other options that are equally festive. Sprinkles and dragées provide all the holiday cheer you can imagine, while a simple dusting of sugar or cocoa is a lovely, low-maintenance possibility.Once cookies are decorated, they can be kept in an airtight container between layers of parchment (as padding and protection) for up to three days. Sprinkles and Dragées Sprinkles can be applied to raw dough before baking or used on just-iced cookies. Dragées, or oversize sprinkles that look like beads, can be applied only onto fresh icing. Decorative Sugars Sprinkling cookie dough with sanding sugar before baking is a great way to add color and crunch. It's coarser than regular granulated sugar, and won't melt once baked. Pearl sugar (which resembles pretzel salt) or Demerara sugar (similar in flavor to brown sugar, but with larger crystals) can also be used before baking, or sprinkled onto fresh icing. Chocolate Dip baked cookies in melted chocolate (no need to temper it), then sprinkle them with flaky salt, sprinkles or chopped toasted nuts before storing them in the fridge. Cocoa and Powdered Sugar Dusting baked cookies with powdered sugar or cocoa powder (or both) can be a less-is-more approach, and great for any last-minute decorating needs.
  • These recipes are all basic variations on the master sugar cookie dough. With a few adjustments, you can get wildly different (and delicious) results.Lightly spiced, jam-filled linzer cookies (a smaller version of the classic linzer torte) are a traditional sandwich cookie with a tender texture and subtle nutty flavor that comes from finely ground almonds in the dough. As with sugar cookies, which benefit from the addition of frosting, the dough for a linzer does not need to be too sweet: It's filled with a tangy raspberry jam and finished with plenty of powdered sugar. A hole in the top of the cookie gives the signature stained-glass-window effect, making it one of the most effortless and impressive treats you could make this holiday season. Recipe: Linzer CookiesThe salted cocoa-hazelnut cookies are a classic slice-and-bake cookie, ripe for improvisation. Not into hazelnuts? Pistachios, almonds, even chocolate chunks are great here. Don't worry too much about getting the perfect cylindrical log; the dough should even out most imperfections as it bakes. Recipe: Salted Cocoa-Hazelnut CookiesOur basic dough recipe makes for an excellent spritz cookie. Load a cookie press (think of a caulking machine, but with cookie dough) with dough straight after mixing (no need to chill) and push out a desired shape onto parchment paper. Recipe: Spritz CookiesThink of these ginger-molasses cookies as a cross between a gingerbread man and a chewy molasses cookie. The molasses gives them a softer texture with a decidedly adult, almost caramel flavor. Instead of rolling or slicing these cookies, this rich, soft dough is perfect for rolling into balls and coating in coarse sugar before baking. Recipe: Ginger-Molasses Cookies

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