Best Sourdough Starter As Made By Johnny Vancora Recipe By Tasty Recipes

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Sourdough Bread For Beginners Recipe by Tasty image

Making sourdough bread can be intimidating, but this recipe is the perfect guide if you're ready to bake your first loaf of bread. The crust is crunchy, while the crumb is springy and delicious. The recipe calls for bread flour and whole wheat flour, but if you only have all-purpose flour, use 375 grams (1 ½ cups plus 2 tablespoons) water instead of 400 grams for the initial mix.

Provided by Katie Aubin

Categories     Sides

Time 18h

Yield 1 loaf

Number Of Ingredients 10

1 ⅔ cups warm water, plus 1 tablespoon, divided, plus more for dipping
½ cup mature active
3 cups bread flour, or all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
⅔ cup whole wheat flour, or all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon kosher salt, plus ¼ teaspoon
food scale, or measuring cups
bench scraper
proofing basket, or medium bowl lined with cotton towel
dutcch oven, or cast iron pan or combo cooker or loaf pan
sharp paring knife of bread lame


  • Autolyse: Add 400 grams of warm water and the sourdough starter to a medium bowl. Stir with a rubber spatula to dissolve the starter.
  • Add the bread flour and whole wheat flour. Use a spatula or your clean hands to mix until combined and there are no dry spots. Cover with a clean cotton kitchen towel and let sit in a warm place for 60 minutes.
  • Bulk fermentation: After resting the dough, add the salt and remaining 10 grams water. Use your hands to incorporate the salt, squishing the dough through your fingers to make sure it is evenly distributed.
  • Set a bowl of water nearby. Once the salt is incorporated, dip your hand in the water to prevent sticking. Use your wet hand to stretch the dough from the edge of the bowl upwards, then fold toward the center. Repeat a total of 8 times, rotating the bowl slightly after each fold.
  • After the folds, carefully lift the dough up, flip it over, place it back in the bowl and tuck the edges under the dough. Scrape down the edges of the bowl, then cover with the kitchen towel and let rest in a warm place for 60 minutes.
  • Repeat the stretching and folding process 2 more times, waiting 60 minutes after each folding session before beginning again. You should see signs of fermentation in the form of an increase in volume and bubbles along the edges and top of the dough. Wait a little longer, up to 30 more minutes between folds, if you don't see those signs yet.
  • Preshape: An hour after the final stretch and fold, dip your hands in the water. Think of the dough as the face of a clock. Slide your hands into the bowl at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock. Partially lift the dough from the bowl and let it fold under itself. Rotate the bowl and repeat the lifting and fold under 5-6 times, until dough has begun to come together in a ball.
  • Carefully lift the dough onto a clean surface. Lightly sprinkle the dough with the dusting flour. Using a bench scraper, or lightly floured hands, carefully rotate and drag the dough towards yourself along the surface, building tension until you have a round, taut ball of dough. Do not make the ball too tight, as it may tear. Lightly flour the dough, cover with the towel, and let rest for 30-40 minutes.
  • Final shape: Dust a proofing basket or a medium bowl lined with a cotton towel lightly with flour.
  • After 40 minutes, the dough should look relaxed and have spread out slightly. Lightly flour the top of the dough again. Using the bench scraper, or a silicone spatula and lightly floured hands, carefully flip the dough over, so the unfloured part is facing upwards.
  • Think of the clock again. Fold in 12 o'clock towards the center, then 6 o'clock, 3 o'clock, and 9 o'clock, then each of the remaining 4 diagonal corners. Carefully transfer the dough, seam-side up, to the prepared proofing basket or bowl. Pinch the seams to ensure they are sealed. Cover the bowl with the towel.
  • Final proof: Transfer the dough to the refrigerator to finish proofing overnight, 12-18 hours. If you want to bake the same day, leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours, then transfer to the refrigerator while you preheat the oven. (Overnight proofing is highly recommended!)
  • When you are ready to bake, preheat the oven to 500°F (260°C). Place a Dutch oven or cast iron combo cooker in the oven while it preheats. Make sure your oven has come up to temperature before baking, at least 30 minutes.
  • Prepare a piece of parchment paper about the size of the bottom of your baking vessel. Place the parchment over the proofing basket and gently flip the basket over so the dough drops onto the parchment.
  • Carefully remove the baking vessel from the oven. Use the parchment paper to carefully lift the dough into the pan. Use a sharp paring knife or bread lame to slash the top of the dough a few times. This scoring will allow steam to escape. Cover the vessel with the lid and carefully place in the oven.
  • Bake for 25 minutes, then remove the lid and reduce the oven temperature to 450°F (230°C). Continue baking for another 15-20 minutes, until the crust is amber brown.
  • Remove the bread from the oven and carefully transfer to a wire rack. Check to make sure it is done baking by tapping on the bottom--you should hear a hollow sound. Though it may be tempting to dive right in, let the bread cool completely, at least 2 hours, before slicing with a serrated knife.
  • Store the loaf cut-side down on a cutting board, or in a plastic bag. You can freeze the whole loaf, or pre-slice, then freeze and pull out slices as needed.
  • Notes: If you are using all-purpose flour, use 375 grams of water instead of 400 grams of water for the initial mix. If you don't have a Dutch oven or cast iron combo cooker, you could bake in a cast iron skillet, a pizza stone or a sheet pan, uncovered. You could also bake the bread in a greased 9 x 5-inch (22 x 12 cm) loaf pan (place the bread in the pan seam-side down instead of in a proofing basket.) Bake at 475°F (240°C) for 40-45 minutes, until amber brown. Reduce the oven temperature for the last 20 minutes of baking if the bread is getting too dark on top. The bread won't look as shiny and have as crispy of a crust, but will taste just as good!
  • Enjoy!


Sourdough Starter Recipe by Tasty image

This sourdough starter recipe takes a bit of effort to get going, but once it's ready you're in for endless delicious bread. Don't be discouraged if your starter isn't ready in a few days- it takes a little time for it to level out. Keep in mind your sourdough starter is sensitive to temperature, so if your house is very warm, use cooler water, and if your house is chilly, use warmer water.

Provided by Katie Aubin

Categories     Bakery Goods

Time 5m

Yield 1 cup

Number Of Ingredients 7

⅓ cup whole wheat flour, plus more for feeding
⅓ cup bread flour, plus more feeding
⅓ cup warm water, plus more for feeding
cool water, for testing
clear lidded pint container, or larger
food scale, or cups and measuring spoons
rubber band, or tape


  • Day 1: Add 50 grams whole wheat flour, 50 grams bread flour, and 100 grams warm water to a clear lidded container with a capacity of 1 pint or more. Mix until there are no dry spots. Scrape down the sides of the container with a spatula. Cover with a lid.
  • Use a rubber band or piece of tape to mark the mixture level. This will allow you to track any movement (eventually it will grow!) Set the starter in a warm spot. Let sit for 24 hours.
  • Day 2: After 24 hours, open the container and look for signs of fermentation in the form of bubbles on top, volume growth, and/or a funky, slightly sweet acidic smell. If you see some of these signs, proceed to the next step. If not, cover the starter again and let sit for another 12-24 hours, until these signs appear. If the temperature in your house is cool, it may take a bit longer.
  • Once the starter has gotten a bit bubbly and funky, it is time to discard and feed. Discard all but about 25 grams (2 tablespoons) of starter (see Note below on how to minimize waste!). Add another 100 grams warm water and stir to dissolve the remaining starter. Add 50 grams of bread flour and 50 grams of whole wheat flour and stir until there are no dry spots. Cover and let sit in a warm spot for another 24 hours.
  • Days 3-15: Repeat the feeding process every day for 7-14 days. Eventually, a few hours after feeding, the starter will begin to grow, almost doubling in size, then deflate again. Once your starter is rising and falling regularly, it is in a good place.
  • To test the readiness of the starter, do a float test: Fill a cup with cool water. Use a clean spoon to take a scoop of the starter (be careful not to stir the starter and deflate the air bubbles that make it float) and carefully plop it in the water. If it floats, it is gassy and alive and ready to make some bread! If not, don't despair, it can take a while to get going. Either wait longer if it has only been a few hours since feeding, or if it has been closer to 24 hours since feeding, discard and feed again.
  • After passing the float test, the starter is ready to use for baking! You may find you like to use your starter when it is young, only a few hours after feeding when it just passes the float test. At this point it will smell sweet. If you want a more sour taste, use the starter 6-12 hours after feeding, when it will be more mature and smell a bit more vinegary and funky. This is up to you!
  • Mold: If you see any fuzzy moldy spots on your starter that are black, red, or blue, unless it is very easy to scrape them off the top, unfortunately you need to start over. Sometimes, a while after feeding or being in the refrigerator, the starter will develop a dark, clear liquid on top. This is called hooch and is harmless. Just pour the liquid off!
  • Flour: Use what you have. If you only have all-purpose flour, you can use that. If you only have bread flour, use that. If you only have whole wheat flour, you can use that, just know that you may need to feed more often because it gets funky more quickly.
  • Discard: It may be tempting not to discard most of your starter every time you feed it because you don't want to waste, but we discard for a variety of reasons. We are giving the starter a lot of fresh food and water to eat. If we don't discard, the starter will retain a lot of that funkiness and also eventually grow to be huge if you just keep adding water and flour to it. I like to discard into another container and keep that container in the refrigerator until I need it for other baking projects. You can fold the discard into banana bread, pancakes, cookies, etc.
  • Storage: Once your starter is up and running, you can either keep it at room temperature and feed it daily, or store it in the refrigerator. To store in the refrigerator, do a regular discard and feed, then place in the refrigerator. A day before you want to begin making bread, pull the starter out and let it come to room temperature. Then, discard and feed as usual.
  • Scaling: This starter recipe calls for equal amounts of water and total flour by weight. You can scale this recipe up or down as needed, depending on how much starter the recipe you are going to make calls for.
  • Enjoy!

Nutrition Facts : Calories 327 calories, Carbohydrate 67 grams, Fat 1 gram, Fiber 6 grams, Protein 11 grams, Sugar 0 grams


Sourdough Starter As Made By Johnny VanCora Recipe by Tasty image

Starting a sourdough starter isn't hard, but it does require patience. It may seem daunting that this recipe takes 1-2 weeks to complete, but it only takes about 2 minutes of active prep time each day, and you'll reap the rewards when you pull your first (and each subsequent) loaf from the oven. The heart of baking great sourdough bread is a healthy and predictable starter, which makes the bread taste better. My foolproof method is outlined in the recipe below. I use rye flour because it is densely packed with nutrients and protein to benefit the formation of wild yeast and bacteria to make your starter strong from the beginning, but organic whole wheat flour works well, too. Make sure your water is unchlorinated, or microbial growth will be inhibited. Either use filtered or distilled water, or let your water sit out overnight (cover with cheesecloth to keep out debris) so the chlorine evaporates before adding to your starter.

Provided by Tasty

Yield 1 1

Number Of Ingredients 2

¼ cup Organic rye or whole wheat flour
Filtered or distilled room-temperature water


  • Day 1: In a small container with a lid, mix 50 grams of rye flour with 50 grams of water. Loosely cover the container, then let sit at room temperature for 2 days.
  • Days 2-4: Each day, check your starter for activity. You should start to see bubbles forming on top and smell fermentation and alcohol, this is all normal and means that your starter is active. (If there is a thin layer of strong-smelling liquid on top, don't worry! It is just alcohol forming due to fast fermentation, which is a good thing, as it means the starter is really active already! When feeding your starter, use slightly cooler water, or increase the amount of flour used by 10 grams to slow down the fermentation process and keep to a daily feeding schedule.)
  • Once you start to see activity, discard 75% of the starter. Dissolve the remaining starter in 50 grams of fresh water, then stir in 50 grams of flour (see Note).
  • Days 4-14: Continue to feed your starter at roughly the same time each day, using the same type of flour and temperature of water. Consistency is the most important thing. Eventually, your starter will get into a predictable rhythm of rising and falling, looking the same at similar points in time each day. This can take up to 2 weeks, so be patient!
  • Once your starter is behaving consistently from day to day, it is healthy and can be used to bake bread.
  • Note: Discard can be thrown away or reserved in a separate jar in the refrigerator and used to make other baked goods, such as crackers, scallion pancakes, banana bread, and pasta.
  • Enjoy!

Nutrition Facts : Calories 120 calories, Carbohydrate 25 grams, Fat 0 grams, Fiber 3 grams, Protein 4 grams, Sugar 0 grams


Sourdough Starter image

Many years ago, I received this recipe and some starter from a good friend. I use it to make my own sourdough bread. -Delila George, Junction City, Oregon

Provided by Taste of Home

Time 10m

Yield about 3 cups.

Number Of Ingredients 3

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 package (1/4 ounce) active dry yeast
2 cups warm water (110° to 115°)


  • In a covered 4-qt. glass or ceramic container, mix flour and yeast. Gradually stir in warm water until smooth. Cover loosely with a kitchen towel; let stand in a warm place 2-4 days or until mixture is bubbly and sour smelling and a clear liquid has formed on top. (Starter may darken, but if starter turns another color or develops an offensive odor or mold, discard it and start over.) , Cover tightly and refrigerate starter until ready to use. Use and replenish starter, or nourish it, once every 1-2 weeks. To use and replenish starter:Stir to blend in any liquid on top. Remove amount of starter needed; bring to room temperature before using. For each 1/2 cup starter removed, add 1/2 cup flour and 1/2 cup warm water to the remaining starter and stir until smooth. Cover loosely and let stand in a warm place 1-2 days or until light and bubbly. Stir; cover tightly and refrigerate.To nourish starter:Remove half of the starter. Stir in equal parts of flour and warm water; cover loosely and let stand in a warm place 1-2 days or until light and bubbly. Stir; cover tightly and refrigerate.

Nutrition Facts : Calories 19 calories, Fat 0 fat (0 saturated fat), Cholesterol 0 cholesterol, Sodium 0 sodium, Carbohydrate 4g carbohydrate (0 sugars, Fiber 0 fiber), Protein 1g protein.


How To Make Homemade Sourdough Bread Recipe by Tasty image

Here's what you need: warm water, active dry yeast, flour, sugar, flour, salt, water, starter

Provided by Tasty

Categories     Sides

Yield 8 servings

Number Of Ingredients 8

2 cups warm water
2 ¼ teaspoons active dry yeast, 1 packet
3 ½ cups flour
2 tablespoons sugar
4 cups flour
2 teaspoons salt
1 ¼ cups water
1 cup starter, stir before using


  • In a glass bowl, add water and yeast. Mix the yeast into the water and let it sit for a couple minutes.
  • Add in the rest of the ingredients for the starter. Mix well until everything is fully incorporated.
  • Wrap the bowl with clear wrap, making sure not to tightly seal the bowl. Let the starter breathe a little and keep it in a dark place at room temperature. Stir every 12 hours until making the dough. The starter will rise and shrink each day and you should see bubbles, letting you know that the yeast is being activated!
  • On day 5, combine all ingredients into a bowl, and knead for 10 minutes on low if using a machine; if kneading by hand, knead for 20 minutes until dough is stretchy yet doesn't stick to your hands.
  • While the dough is kneading, store your starter for future use. Your starter will last forever as long as you maintain and care for it. It can stay in the fridge and be fed once a week with a teaspoon of sugar. To replenish your starter, simply add 1 cup of flour (125g) and ½ cup of water (120ml), mix, and place it back in the fridge. Leave it out overnight to get to room temperature before preparing the dough.
  • Place kneaded dough into a large floured bowl with a towel over the top, then sprinkle flour and let it rise for 12 hours.
  • Place risen dough onto a floured board and knead for a few minutes. Place it into a floured proofing basket or a medium bowl, sprinkle flour and let it rise for another 4 hours.
  • Preheat oven to 480°F (250°C).
  • Flip the dough onto a parchment paper, and transfer the dough and paper into a large cast-iron dutch oven.
  • Score the top of the bread.
  • Place the lid on top and bake for 30 minutes.
  • Take the lid off and bake for another 15 minutes or until the crust is golden brown.
  • Transfer onto a cooling rack and let it rest for an hour. Knock the bottom of the bread to listen for a hollow knock.
  • Nutrition Calories: 1615 Fat: 4 grams Carbs: 340 grams Fiber: 11 grams Sugars: 19 grams Protein: 42 grams
  • Enjoy!

Nutrition Facts : Calories 460 calories, Carbohydrate 96 grams, Fat 1 gram, Fiber 3 grams, Protein 12 grams, Sugar 2 grams


Sourdough Starter image

This is an adaptation of the instructions for making a starter outlined by Peter Reinhart in his "Artisan Breads Every Day." It takes a little more or less than a week of mixing flour with liquid - Mr. Reinhart starts with unsweetened pineapple juice (though you could also use orange juice or apple cider), then switches to water - to achieve a vigorous, living starter. Once it is bubbling and fragrant, with a light yeasty-boozy scent, you can use it and feed it daily with a cup of flour and a half-cup of water. Or put the starter in the refrigerator and feed it weekly, always discarding (or using!) a cup of the original when you do. (All measurements are by weight.)

Provided by Oliver Strand

Categories     dinner, lunch, project

Time P8D

Yield 2 pizza recipes and leftover starter

Number Of Ingredients 3

16 ounces flour
3 ounces pineapple juice
10 ounces filtered or spring water


  • Make seed culture: Combine 1 ounce of the flour and 2 ounces pineapple juice in a large glass or small nonreactive bowl. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature, stirring with a wet spoon twice a day. Bubbles should appear after 24 to 36 hours. After 48 hours, add 1 ounce flour and remaining pineapple juice, stirring to incorporate. Re-cover with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature, stirring with a wet spoon twice a day. When it is foamy, in 1 to 4 days, combine 2 ounces flour and 1 ounce filtered or spring water in a medium nonreactive bowl. Add seed culture, stirring to incorporate, and re-cover with plastic wrap. Stir twice a day to aerate.
  • When mixture has doubled in bulk, in 1 to 2 days, convert it into a starter: Combine 12 ounces flour and 9 ounces filtered or spring water in bowl. Add 4 ounces of seed culture mixture (discard the rest, or use to make a second starter) and mix until fully incorporated. Transfer to a lightly floured surface and knead for 2 minutes. It should have the consistency of bread dough. Transfer to a nonreactive bowl and let rest at room temperature until it doubles in size, about 4 to 8 hours. Knead lightly, then store in container with tight-fitting lid (container must be large enough to let starter triple in bulk). Store in refrigerator.

Nutrition Facts : @context http, Calories 424, UnsaturatedFat 1 gram, Carbohydrate 89 grams, Fat 1 gram, Fiber 3 grams, Protein 12 grams, SaturatedFat 0 grams, Sodium 6 milligrams, Sugar 2 grams


Sourdough Starter image

Make your starter in a glass container and store in the refrigerator after fermentation has occurred.

Provided by Esther Nelson

Categories     Bread     Yeast Bread Recipes     Sourdough Bread Recipes

Yield 15

Number Of Ingredients 3

1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast
2 cups warm water
2 cups all-purpose flour


  • In large non-metallic bowl, mix together dry yeast, 2 cups warm water, and 2 cups all purpose flour and cover loosely.
  • Leave in a warm place to ferment, 4 to 8 days. Depending on temperature and humidity of kitchen, times may vary. Place on cookie sheet in case of overflow. Check on occasionally.
  • When mixture is bubbly and has a pleasant sour smell, it is ready to use. If mixture has a pink, orange, or any other strange color tinge to it, THROW IT OUT! and start over. Keep it in the refrigerator, covered until ready to bake.
  • When you use starter to bake, always replace with equal amounts of a flour and water mixture with a pinch of sugar. So, if you remove 1 cup starter, replace with 1 cup water and 1 cup flour. Mix well and leave out on the counter until bubbly again, then refrigerate. If a clear to light brown liquid has accumulated on top, don't worry, this is an alcohol base liquid that occurs with fermentation. Just stir this back into the starter, the alcohol bakes off and that wonderful sourdough flavor remains! Sourdough starters improve with age, they used to be passed down generation to generation!
  • Use this starter to make the Sourdough Chocolate Cranberry Cake, and the Sourdough Chocolate Cake.

Nutrition Facts : Calories 62 calories, Carbohydrate 12.9 g, Fat 0.2 g, Fiber 0.5 g, Protein 1.9 g, Sodium 1.5 mg


Sourdough Starter image

Jumpstart your bread baking with our easy Sourdough Starter recipe. It's the starter that gives sourdough bread its tangy flavor and chewy texture. How do you make a Sourdough Starter? It's very easy, and once you make it, you can follow our sourdough starter instructions to care for it and replenish it so you can keep making delicious bread any time. There are only 4 sourdough starter ingredients, including yeast, water, flour and sugar. Simple! Soon you'll be making sourdough bread at home.

Provided by Betty Crocker Kitchens

Categories     Side Dish

Yield 1

Number Of Ingredients 4

1 1/2 teaspoons bread machine or quick active dry yeast
4 cups lukewarm water (105°F to 115°F)
3 cups Gold Medal™ All-Purpose Flour or Gold Medal™ Bread Flour
4 teaspoons sugar


  • Dissolve yeast in warm water in large glass bowl. Stir in flour and sugar. Beat with electric mixer on medium speed about 1 minute or until smooth. Cover loosely; let stand at room temperature about 1 week or until mixture is bubbly and has a sour aroma. Transfer to 2-quart or larger nonmetal bowl with tight-fitting lid. Refrigerate until ready to use. Care of Sourdough Starter: Use Sourdough Starter once a week or stir in 1 teaspoon sugar. After using starter, replenish it by stirring in 3/4 cup Gold Medal® all-purpose flour, 3/4 cup water and 1 teaspoon sugar until smooth. Cover loosely; let stand in warm place at least 1 day until bubbly. Cover tightly; refrigerate until ready to use.

Nutrition Facts : ServingSize 1 Serving

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